The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#1 by sunnyAK , Sun Dec 30, 2018 3:26 pm

The Alaunt and its different, but related types!
You can read the whole article also here on my wordpress site:

An "Alaunt Espanol" Alano Espanol, Spanish Bulldog:
(Also an example of an "Alaunt type" from Spain:

This is a Caucasian Volkodav, that for sure is not "The Alaunt", but definitely a type of Alaunt, or even "an ancient Alaunt type".

I have created the following graphic and built-in two maps, one of the Alans and one of the Celts, including their origins & their migrations, trying to give a well thought out & unbiased view concerning "the Alaunt", speaking about both... "mastiff-types", as well as other Alaunt types, no matter if Sighound-based-types for hunting, or other Alaunt types, even the ancient Flock guardians in Caucasus and all-purpose dogs in Kazakhstan! They are for sure pretty close to the "Ancient Alaunt type", as they were all-purpose dogs, as well as Flock guardians!

Here is the graphic, just click it on and you will see it in really big and it for sure will be pretty interesting!

"In 1886, the editor of 'Stock Keeper' Dr Frank, wrote an article comparing French and English Mastiffs as well as French and English Bulldogs. This article had a study on the Dogue de Bordeaux to the English Mastiff; saying how the former had kept more of the temperament and courage of the ancient celtic molosser. This was the first mention of the DDB written in the UK. Six years later, at the 'Exposition des Tuileries' in Paris (1892), a judge from the 'Stock Keeper' saw Sultane win the prix d'Honneur. She was viewed as the ideal DDB. That same year, a reproduction of the photo of Sultane at the Tuileries appeared in the 22 July issue of the Stock Keeper. Accompanying it was a detailed description and praise for the work of Mr Charles Eisler."

here first of all a few valuable crossposts & opinions to show a wide view, instead of being narrow-minded.

Zitat von Heather
....My first red flag that this author isn't as knowledgable as he would others believe is that he puts Celtic and Molosser together to describe one dog. Is he describing the Celtic dog or the Molosser? These are two different dogs, one of the celts and the other of Molossia, a Greek dog. Same when people say "Aryan Molosser". Of which do you speak? Many many people have erroneously linked the term Molosser with Mastiff or any large dog. Being a large dog does not make it a mastiff nor does it make it a Molosser. A Molosser is a mastiff from Epirus, (Molossia), a small region in the north of Greece. Molosser describes the dog of THAT place, not the worlds mastiff breeds.

i agree, this also came to my mind at once. celtic molosser wakes no sense. celtic dogge or celtic mastiff i would have said, maybe i would have even prefered "dogge" due to the liguistical relation between dogge and the celtic word "togge".
well we now that people (who ever started this fashion) call any bigger dog "molosser".
the example with aryan molossus is the same. kohrasani fighting dog would make more sense.

however what he wanted to say is clear to me. he wanted to say that the dogue de bordeaux (and i am sure that it had been true at the time he was saying it) was a tougher working dog and braver than the english mastiff on average and for sure also best vs best.

Zitat von Heather
....Well, the Celtic dogs were said to have dropped horses in war by taking them by the nose, the same way a baiting bulldog was supposed to do to even be considered a "real" bulldog. JDJ stuck to this belief and claimed that everyone of his dogs took by the nose the way a bulldog should. It is said of the Alaunts that they took by the ear, the same way our OWE do. BUT. Look at the Irish Wolfhound phenotype. It is more Alaunt in phenotype than the baiting bulldog, the round headed, short-faced, short backed, short legged, small eared dog synonymous with the baiting ring.
I don't really think that the Celtic dog of the British isles played much, if any, role in the development of the Spanish or French mastiffs. The Alaunt had long been in Spain and France before it ever reached England and well before any British dog could've had any influence on the dogs of those two countries. However in England it's likely that the Celtic dog there was crossed with the alaunts of the Alan´s, French and Spanish.

well i agree, but it leads me to another conclusion, namely to the possibility that celtic dogs played a bigger part in the development of the baiting bulldogs of france and spain, however not the ones of the british isles, but the ones that have "always" been there or let´s say that have been there since the celts used dogs to hunt large game.
you have said that the alaunt had long been in spain and france before it ever reached england and before any british dog could have had any influence on the dogs of those two countries.
however with celtic dogs it is the same. the celts used to be on the continental europe, before they reached britain.
so i guess many of the "european alaunts" or dogs that are called alaunts are no "pure" alaunts at all, or alaunts in the true sense, but crossbred dogs between dogs the alaunts had and brought to europe & celtic "bärenbeisser" types that always existed in europe to hunt large & dangerous game. with that said it isn´t bad at all that they are no "pure" dogs of the alans, as i hold old european dogs in high regard.
i also would not say, that catch-dogs are no fighting dogs, as the apbt is based on catch-dogs, with a splash of terrier for the kill-drive. however dogs like kangals & tobets for example also use holding skills when they are used to catch big game, so it simply is an adaption to the task a dog fulfills and they are all mastiff-type dogs that were used for hunting & flock guarding in asia as well as in europe. however celtic dogs were first of all dogs used for hunting large game.

now last, but not least i also add wikipedia to my well thought-out post. my opinion, wich is based on unbiased facts, you can find in short words on my graphic. i disagree with wikipedia in stuff like saying "Butchers´ Mastiff aka Shepherds´Mastiff" as both types are related for sure, but still are not the same dog, so the "aka" in the statement makes no sense.
however the combination of a large, powerful "shepherds´ mastiff" aka flock guardian /LGD & a determined "butchers´mastiff", is by many knowledgable people considered as ultimate fighter and perfect combination of raw power and determination.
however, beside that wikipedia contains good information.
ok, here the wikipedia article:
"The Alaunt is an extinct breed of dog, its original breed having existed in central Asia and Europe from ancient times through the 17th century. A number of modern dog breeds are believed to directly descended from the Alaunt. The original Alaunt is thought to have resembled a Caucasian Shepherd Dog. They were large, short coated dogs of varying type. The Alaunt was bred by the Alani tribes, the nomads of Indo-European Sarmatian ancestry who spoke an Indo-Iranian language. The Alans were known as superb warriors, herdsmen, and breeders of horses and dogs. The Alans bred their dogs for work and had developed different strains within the breed for specific duties.

As far as is known, the Alaunt's primary ancestors are working dogs such as the Armenian Gampr dog, the Sarmatian Mastiff from the Caucasus and the Alabai from Central Asia, but also the shorthaired hounds of South Asia, Persia, and Europe. However, the Ayran Flock Guardian or Sage Koochi steppe type that descends from the steppes of Asia, brought by the steppe nomads, used to domesticate the horse, control and defend large livestock far predates these breeds in working type, giving evidence of the genetic template of the Alaunt. The steppe nomads, including the Kurgan culture, introduced the use of the horse and chariot, as well as the Mastiff/Alaunt dogs of war.
In the 370s AD, Hun invasions divided the Alani into the Eastern and Western Alans. The Eastern Alani tribes merged with the Ossetians and other nations, introducing their dogs into the bloodlines of many Balkan breeds, such as the Shar Mountain Dog, Metchkar, Qen Ghedje, Hellenikos Poimenikos and other Molossers of the region. Some believe that the white-coloured Alaunts were the direct ancestors of Balkan breeds, which in turn influenced all other white dogs in the Balkans. The Western Alans joined the Vandals on their raids through Europe and by the 410s AD, their fierce dogs were influencing many breeds in France, Spain, Portugal, England and other countries, spreading the use of the "alaunt" name, which became synonymous with a type of a working dog, rather than a specific breed. Through breeding with various scenthounds and sighthounds, some alaunts became valued large game hunting dogs, existing in a variety of types, dictated by regional preferences. In 1500 AD, Spain was known for breeding the best Alaunts and used them to conquer the New World.

In France, Alaunts were separated into three main categories, based on physical appearance and the duties they performed. The lightest type was the Alaunt Gentil, a greyhound-like dog, which eventually became assimilated into the local hunting breeds with the Alaunt Veantre. The original mastiff variety, known as the Alaunt de Boucherie, was crucial in the development of the fighting and baiting dogs of France. The Alaunt de Boucherie in France was known as the Alaunt Butchers in England and the Alano in Spain and Italy and were termed the original Bulldogs as they were used to control and defend herds of cattle. In Spain, the three categories were the Mastins, Alanos, and Lebrels further separated as the ayuda (defense types) and the presa (offense types) known as the Presa, Fila, and Cuban Bloodhound.
The long, broad, flat head of the Alaunt should never be confused with the modified brachycephalic breeds. The brachycephalic head type is wide in base, but short in length.. While the preferred bite is reverse scissor, like the Mastiff and may have been a trait introduced by the Mongolian breeds at some remote time in history, skull type and bite type are separate subjects of genetic traits. The dolichocephalic skull is narrow at base yet long in length, so the Alaunt could be referred to as a modified dolichocephalic breed, as mesocephalic is a balance of base to length. Moreover, the Alaunt or Mastiff must be separated from the Molossoides in head study, as this term does not separate the Mastiff from the Mountain Dogs or even the Pug.
The original type Alaunt was a Butchers Dog aka Shepherd Dog of nomadic pastoralists of cattle that fought in battle from the grasslands north and west of the Caucasus. A number of Alans are still accounted for and are known today as the Ossetians. There is no plausible reason for the Alans/Ossetians to have stopped breeding the Alaunt, though the breed may be known today by other names. For example, in the area of Georgia of the Caucasus a Shepherd dog known as the White Kazbegi still assists cattle on cattle drives. In any case, the original Alaunt/Alano type is still found working in the obscurity of function as LGDs of cattle and farms including Spain's New World.
North of the Caucasus was a country known as Caucasian Iberia, as was Spain before the Celts arrived to form the Celtiberians. Iberians describe the people of both Caucasian Iberia, as well as those of the Iberian Peninsula When the Western Alans arrived in France and Spain in 406 AD, they were perhaps either returning to an early outpost or simply returning home. Theories are supported by archaeological, anthropological and genetic evidence that the Iberians of Spain have origins in Caucasian Iberia. Interestingly, this theory has been around since at least 1050 AD and was a popular belief of Medieval Georgian Nobles, who referred to the Spanish or Western Iberians, as "Georgians of the West".
The Alans, like their relatives, the Sarmatians, Scythians, and Thracians were the warring nomadic pastoralists of the grasslands north and west of the Caucasus, that introduced the Mastiff proto-type that eventually became known as the Alaunt."

Posts: 269
Date registered 12.29.2018

Last edited 11.24.2020 | Top

RE: The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#2 by Babylonian Mastiff , Tue Feb 12, 2019 12:52 pm

Everything about this thread is wrong. The only real Alaunt is the ancient Alangu Mastiff and it is still alive!
Here you can see a picture of a fine individual:

Alangu Mastiff:

Babylonian Mastiff  
Babylonian Mastiff
Posts: 6
Date registered 02.12.2019

Last edited 02.12.2019 | Top

RE: The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#3 by sunnyAK , Wed Feb 13, 2019 1:04 am

Wow, a pretty big Mastiff with a huge head. I indeed would not call this type an "Alaunt Veantre", as it indeed seems not like a dog bred to run down large game. It seems to be too heavy for a hunting dog. Agaain, I would agree to call it a Mastiff.
What I wonder now is what was the purpose of such a heavy boned dog, as the Alani people were herdsmen and also bred horses.
So I doubt an ancient Alani dog would be that heavy.

Posts: 269
Date registered 12.29.2018

RE: The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#4 by Chui , Thu Feb 28, 2019 8:39 am

I also do not believe such a heavy-boned type of dog would be selectively bred for those traits for a NOMADIC PEOPLES.

Posts: 9
Date registered 02.27.2019

RE: The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#5 by Babylonian Mastiff , Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:09 am

No, Alangu Mastiffs are the ancient type of BKs!
They have the "Alangu" in their name, because they were the Mastiffs of the Alani people. But they had Sighthounds too!
This is a great example of an Alangu Mastiff, the ancient type of Bully Kutta! A breed preserved from ancient times!.

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Babylonian Mastiff  
Babylonian Mastiff
Posts: 6
Date registered 02.12.2019

Last edited 03.02.2019 | Top

RE: The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#6 by Babylonian Mastiff , Sat Mar 02, 2019 9:46 am

And another Mastiff of the Alani people also known as Alangu Mastiff, or ancient type of Bully Kutta.
The typical traits are loose & wrinkled skin, in general very thick. A broad head type and a strong built dog.

Famtastic! They are much better fighters than Tosas. They never lay down on the floor to rest and they can fight very long in extreme heat.
This is the perfect Mastiff, the ancient Alani Mastiff:

Babylonian Mastiff  
Babylonian Mastiff
Posts: 6
Date registered 02.12.2019

Last edited 03.09.2019 | Top

RE: The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#7 by sunnyAK , Sat Mar 09, 2019 7:06 pm

Zitat von Babylonian Mastiff im Beitrag #6
And another Mastiff of the Alani people also known as Alangu Mastiff, or ancient type of Bully Kutta.
The typical traits are loose & wrinkled skin, in general very thick. A broad head type and a strong built dog.

Famtastic! They are much better fighters than Tosas. They never lay down on the floor to rest and they can fight very long in extreme heat.
This is the perfect Mastiff, the ancient Alani Mastiff:

I don´t believe in "ancient dogs, preserved unchanged from ancient times", so I am 99% sure, that these dogs were not the dogs of the Alani people!

Just have a look at this article I wrote on one of my two wordpress pages. I actually have two wordpress pages, the second one is about formula one.

Ok, here now the article.(In my opinion it is one of the best you can find on the internet, as it is completely written without having an "agenda" in mind. I have tried to inform where the Alani people where located at a certain time and when they moved to Europe and new "hunting crosses" evolved, by crossing the dogs of the Alani people with European gripping dogs used for hunting, as well as with sighthounds.) OK, enough "talk" now, here is my article:

Posts: 269
Date registered 12.29.2018

RE: The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#8 by Chui , Tue Nov 17, 2020 10:17 pm

Zitat von Babylonian Mastiff im Beitrag #6
And another Mastiff of the Alani people also known as Alangu Mastiff, or ancient type of Bully Kutta.
The typical traits are loose & wrinkled skin, in general very thick. A broad head type and a strong built dog.

Famtastic! They are much better fighters than Tosas. They never lay down on the floor to rest and they can fight very long in extreme heat.
This is the perfect Mastiff, the ancient Alani Mastiff:

Here is a link that has some Tosas in it. The smaller ones have greater endurance and gameness than the larger variety.

Posts: 9
Date registered 02.27.2019

RE: The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#9 by sunnyAK , Tue Nov 24, 2020 7:32 am

Zitat von Chui im Beitrag #8
Zitat von Babylonian Mastiff im Beitrag #6
And another Mastiff of the Alani people also known as Alangu Mastiff, or ancient type of Bully Kutta.
The typical traits are loose & wrinkled skin, in general very thick. A broad head type and a strong built dog.

Famtastic! They are much better fighters than Tosas. They never lay down on the floor to rest and they can fight very long in extreme heat.
This is the perfect Mastiff, the ancient Alani Mastiff:

Here is a link that has some Tosas in it. The smaller ones have greater endurance and gameness than the larger variety.

Nice info bro!
Strange that all the pictures are gone. I will try to attach a new one to the opening post here.

Posts: 269
Date registered 12.29.2018

RE: The Alaunt (A type, not a breed.)

#10 by ferozali , Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:04 am

Wir sind ein familiengeführtes Unternehmen in der Immobilienbranche mit einem Büro in Neuss. Als gebürtige Neusser sind wir tief mit der Stadt Neuss verbunden und Ihre Ansprechpartner für den Immobilienmarkt in Neuss und Umgebung. Makler Immobilien Grevenbroich

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Date registered 02.14.2023


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